Thursday, July 22, 2010

What is the best way to reduce scars?

I am allergic to misquitoe bites. They leave dark scars that last for years. Besides laser scar removal, are there any topical cream I can use to help heal the scars quicker?What is the best way to reduce scars?
Neosporin kept me from getting scars several times. It even took away my stretch marks as long as I religiously applied it to them when they first began to make an appearance as little red marks. Once I stopped applying it though I noticed a differnce. I wish I'd kept that up during my pregnancy cause it actually made those marks dissapear during the begining!!!What is the best way to reduce scars?
Vitamin E... not a cure but it helps
Maybe cocoa butter. I know it helps with stretch marks, which are kind of like scars.
Rubbing vitamin E oil on the area can reduce scar tissue, but not completely rid it. I haven't used it for open bites, only my ears.
Neosporin does a really good job at reducing scars. Put some on everyday for a while and it should make things look better.
I agree with most that answered vitamen the store they sale vitamen GEL caplets to take orally, but you can also cut the gel caplet with a knife and rub the gel onto the scar. My aunt had surgery on her leg and used this technique to reduce the scar. I think it's better than neosporin because there are three ingredients used for an antibiotic in neosporin; however if you are simply needing a scar reducer...that is what's in neosporin (vitamen E). If you read the ingredients in neosporin you will see vitamen E.

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