Monday, July 26, 2010

Whats the best way to treat acne and ance scars?

I use Proactive Solution, Neutrogena rapid clear spot gel, and Neutrogena ane mark fading peel. I still have some acne and lots of red spots. How can I get ride of it ALL and the red marks and black heads? I needs answers that you've used and that have worked for you.Whats the best way to treat acne and ance scars?
its goin to take a while to get rid of ALL of the marks, but the products that you're using are good, proactive is the best, it just takes patients because you're already using 3 productsWhats the best way to treat acne and ance scars?
I use Zineryt and my acne got better in just a week. I don't know if they have it in your country, but it's made of Zinc and erythromicine. For the acne scars, go to a dermatologist and ask him for a depigmentation cream.

Actually, go to a dermatologist and he'll tell you what's best for your skin. ;)
you shouldn't be using that many products all at once on your skin.My friends mom use to be a dermatonigist and she told me that using alot of products can make it worse. It dries out your skin ALOT too and the ance stirs up in your skin making more pimples. The dermatogist is a great source but while you wiat cuz sometimes you have to make appointments months ahead of time just try using one of your products fer 1 week.Notice any change in one?then keep using it.If not change to another one. Good Luck and Best Wishes

Jay Tay :]
I recommend getting rid of the fast food and saturated fats, because when you eat those foods the liver has to break em down and if you eat too much your liver can't break em down in time, so it stores them in the fatty tissue of your body and slowly gets detoxed out of your system in a couple places...your skin and your kidneys, so just find out what food your eating that has high fat content and eat more damn vegetables jeez also get some exercise and drink lots and lots of water or gatorade-type drinks that fuel you up with water, for a neat way to diet i would recommend pasta and italian type food cause the fats in their food are lower in saturated fats then american-type foods and they taste a friggin' lot better, remember this one thing, fast food is just as dangerous to the liver as is ALCOHOL, just watch the movie SuperSizeMe it tells it all, it proves that fast-food-only diet is just as dangerous if not more dangerous then a drinking-binge...p.s. a detox program kit in the health food section would help out tremendously in more ways then just your acne....they only take like 2 weeks at the most for the majority of them good luck i hope i helped out more then one person's view at health
Using Neutrogena acne wash and going to a dermatologist to check what kind of medication is good for your skin. He/She will most likely give you Benzoyl Peroxide or Clyndimicin or both.

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