Friday, August 20, 2010

How to make pimple scars heal faster?

I had a huge pimple on my cheek a couple of days ago,and when I drained it left a huge black spot my cheek. How do I get rid of it fast?How to make pimple scars heal faster?
Use an epsom salt scrub and then dab with diluted vinegar. The acid in the vinegar helps the skin to renew faster and the epsom salt helps with healing and drawing out any deep infection. You can also take epsom salt from your local Walgreen's and mix with some water in a container, dab a cotton ball in it, and then put it on the pimple area. It is also good for drawing other pimples to a head.Stay out of the sun any time your skin is healing the sun can damage the new growth and cause discoloration even skin cancer.How to make pimple scars heal faster?
Pineapple juice has a good amount of ascorbic acid which acts as a good bleach for the skin, so when applied often and washed after 10 or 15 minutes help a great deal in reducing acne,pimple scars. More such solutions at
cocoa butter or shea butter rub in the area for at least a week it really works because of the herbs in it
Use a skin healing cream such as Savlon, and apply before you go to bed. This should reduce the scar quickly, but make sure that you do not play with the scar during the healing process

Hope this helps
use an exfoliating scrub and go out in the sun. it will make your skin peel and the scars will go away. and the peeling? don't worry about that, just use lotion.

hope this helps =]

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